Monday, November 14, 2011


After a two-week vacation and my new little girl born, I have nothing but work to look forward to.
On my way to retrieve my son's tractor, I stopped at the town landfill (call it dumpster diving or recycling either way it helps)
And I found a score!
The pics say it all.

And it's just my size

Over all a sweet find, Biopace chainrings, down tube shifters, triple butted Tange Ishiwata EX 4130 and Araya 700c rims


adventure! said...

The things people throw out!

I remember going to the town dump with my grandpa. He'd end up bringing home more than he dropped off! He just couldn't believe the things people would throw away.

Luke Wilson said...

I also scored a Keurig coffee maker which needed a little help, and cleaning. Now it's working fine.