My friend has been laid-off for a while and I have Mondays off.
So we decided to plot out some foundations using a gps to compare them
with a map of the area in the 1800's . We used to do this stuff all the time about ten years ago.
The right tool for the job was either a bike or hike it. Guess what we chose.
Here's a pic of my commuter pretending it is a mountain bike.
We got to a part of the road that a beaver dammed across,my friend blasted right through,
however I was determined to find a way around.
As I was on my way around my bungees holding my bag flew off and my bag with my wife's camera
fell into the drink(I wouldn't want to drink it) I went after it as soon as possible, like any
decent husband would and immediately removed the batteries.
As I went back to look for my bungees I walked through the water since I'd been wet already from retrieving the camera.
Then I seen them... dozens of leaches swimming right towards me.
It must of been the blood from the scrapes on my leg.
Anyway here is a pic of one of them, notice the top of it is scrunched up it was about 6-7 inches long
or for my metric crowd about 15-18cm
My fellow adventurer also noticed lots of ticks, I didn't find any on me while on the
trip like he did. I did yank one out of me when I got home.
It wasn't a deer tick, and hopefully it didn't have Lyme disease.
Enjoy your dreams tonight for when you wake they will be replaced with reality,lukeofny