Monday, May 16, 2011

Screw Annie

The sun will not come out tomorrow, no matter what the stupid song says.
I have a full-fendered bike and riding in the rain doesn't bother me that much but I want sunshine!
I understand the folks that get depressed when they move to New York from California, Florida, or any other sunny state. You know its bad when the weather man/woman/thing/person/dog says it's going to be a repeat of last week! Yes all rain!

Weather for Johnstown, NY 12095

53°F | °CMonTueWedThu
Current: Cloudy
Wind: NE at 8 mph
Humidity: 92%55°F | 50°F62°F | 54°F64°F | 56°F68°F | 56°F

What's even worse is that for the last decade or so the weekends have been washouts, not saying all weekends, it just seems like most.
 If anybody has been in upstate New York you know the the rain is not like other states, if you're walking, riding a motorcycle/bike/hamster-powered chopper
Image(s) property of respective owners

Image(s) property of respective owners
 the rain is real cold, and feels more akin  to getting a tattoo with one of these then taking a shower in cold water or being sprayed with a hose. 
Hoping for sunshine, Luke Of New York

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